Friday, October 3, 2008


I'm really not that big of a procrastinator except for packing! I'm not sure what it is about this specific behavior that makes me wait, then stress, then just berate myself over for not starting sooner. Do I just want to self-inflict pain upon myself? Oh, wait a minute, I already do that.

Anyway, I found this cute cartoon on procrastination on this blog:


I know the packing will get done. It just means I have to be very efficient in the morning and hope that I do not forget anything. This trip is only 6 days, so even if I forget something, it won't be that big of a deal as long as it does not pertain to any actual running apparel.

On a side note, besides looking forward to the race on Sunday, I have a few other things to look forward to. I'm visiting a dog trainer friend on Tues. We're going to meet for coffee after my hair appt. On Mon., I'm meeting an old high school friend whom I have not see in ten years! I'm excited, nervous, and worried too. When I first extended the invitation, it was spontaneous (so unlike me), filled with curiosity and excitement. This hasn't waned, but there's a slight bit of anxiety and trepidation after so many years. I'm promising myself not to back out and whatever happens happens. There's more to this than just meeting this old friend, but that's a post for another day.

Okay, I'm officially going to head to bed and get some zzzzs before my drive. I'll check in sometime during the weekend. At my mom's, there are at least 4 computers, so I'm bound to find one to get my internet fix.


Kristina said...


I hope you have a good trip - it sounds like it is going to be a nice mix of business stuff and pleasure. Good luck with the run!!! I ran one marathon and trained for two others (injuries kept me out, so I've now foregone any dreams of running a 3-hour marathon!). But it's quite a feat.
I also hope that your meet-up with friends is a fun event. I think that mix of curiosity, excitement and anxiety is normal, especially if it was a complicated relationship.
Safe travels to you!
- Kristina

Dr. Deb said...

How's it all going? Race, reunion, etc.

Tiptoe said...

Kristina, thanks for the thoughts. So sorry to hear about those injuries, that's the hardest part of training and running I think!

Deb, so far not too bad. Look at next post.