Sunday, November 14, 2010

Special anniversary

Today is a special anniversary. It marks the1st anniversary of living in this, my house. It's hard to believe a year has passed. Here's a rundown of house-related things which my parents and I did:

  • Had 2 dead trees cut and ground (expensive!)
  • New mulch and ground cover in my front and side yards
  • Planted four trees (one died), flowers, and herbs for Clover (Basil recently died from frost. I'll get better at this with time)
  • Filled dirt in the "pit" area where an above ground pool once was from the previous owners
  • Someone ran into my fence. It does indeed turned out it was someone related to the neighbors up the road who took the car. They said the cousin who damaged the fence is in Mexico though.
  • Had to get AC fixed over the summer
  • Took down ugly, red curtains and replaced them with sheer light green and blue ones
  • Primed my room, getting it tinted blue
  • Repainted my upstairs bathroom a pretty lavender color
  • The hole where the unusable hot tub was from the previous owners was replaced with an actual platform, so that can be turned into a private deck
  • Added some flood lights in the backyard, front, and back parts of the house
  • Bought a top notch vacuum (ironically someone came yesterday to try to sell me a kirby, but I think I am going to stick to my miele, though I like the shampoo option on the kirby)
There's probably more, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head. There's still a lot more to be done, but this is at least a start. The nice thing is that there isn't a finite timeline. I have goals of when I want to have certain things done, mostly by priority, but the feeling is more of "when I can do it" type thing. This doesn't mean I let things go by the waste side, but it is nice NOT to pressure yourself to get it all done at one time and feel like a spazz,a non-accomplishing individual. Now, if I had gobs of money, that might be a different story, but that's just not my life at the moment. So you do with what you have, and when you can do better or more, you do so.


~Rachel~ said...

That is AWESOME! Isn't it great to be a homeowner? It adds such a sense of responsibility and accomplishment. =)

Tiptoe said...

Thanks Rachel! Yes, there is most definitely that responsibility feeling but in a good way of course.

Jenna said...

love your blog! can't wait to follow and read more!
come visit mine as well :)