As I mentioned before, I am not much of a beach girl. I like the sand, the waves, the breeze, the pretty sunsets, the various animal life, but I do not enjoy being or swimming in the ocean. Luckily, I didn't have to do the latter, just walk along the beach. It was a cool, breezy day, but nice overall. We took all the dogs--my dad's and Tovah. This was the first time for everyone. Bella and Tovah were off leash (first time for both in a public area like this), but Leroy and Daisy were on leash since they do not have good recalls, especially Leroy.
Bella, Leroy, and Tovah enjoyed it.
It was very bizarre, but we found all these starfish washed up on shore. They appeared dead, though some still moved. There were many and
some stacked upon each other.
then playing.
Tovah had the most energy of all of them as evident by this video of her playing in the water.
She also liked to visit the people.
I'll close with some of my favorite photos from this day.
those star fish look so pretty!
those star fish look so pretty!
what lucky dogs!!
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